This policy must be read and applied in conjunction with the Health and Safety Policy and the Child Protection Policy

Karis School’s behaviour management policy aims to:

  • Provide a happy, positive learning environment.
  • Help pupils reach their full potential.
  • Provide a physically and emotionally safe environment.
  • Encourage pupils to accept responsibility for their own behaviour – choose the behaviour – choose the consequence.
  • Ensure rules are applied consistently, fairly, consequentially and reviewed regularly.
  • Enable educators to teach in a purposeful and non-disruptive environment.
  • Establish procedures so that conflicts can be resolved in a positive non-violent manner.


We aim to provide a positive environment in which each pupil is respected and his/her right to learn is encouraged and protected. Our discipline procedure provides consistent, logical, clear rules and consequences made familiar to all involved. The support of parents, educators and pupils is needed to ensure the development of self-disciplined pupils. The following principles highlight Karis School’s approach to managing pupils’ behaviour:


All members of staff embrace the policy and implement it as it is written. Members of staff follow the procedures so that issues of unfairness and inequity are minimal.


The pupils understand a framework within which they can work. Pupils can see a logical progression and a relationship between their behaviour and the consequences.


It is unfair to punish a pupil for infringing the rules without offering a means for the pupil to address the situation and assimilate strategies that will help him/her overcome similar situations in the future. Counseling must be offered at the point of error or conflict as soon as possible.


Pupils are responsible for their behaviour and need to accept this. The first step in changing the behaviour is an understanding that if they choose the behaviour, they are also choosing the consequences of the behaviour.


Pupils are at school on loan from their parents. True education involves a partnership between the school and home. It is expedient that the pupils’ behaviour, both positive and negative, be reported to parents, sooner rather than later.


It is recognized that positive working relationship between the pupils and members of staff is essential for mutual respect in the school community


  • A pursuit of knowledge
  • Respect of self
  • Respect the rights of others
  • Social and civic responsibility
  • Safe environment


  • Respect the rights of others
  • Let others learn
  • Be prepared and on time
  • Respect personal and school property
  • Act in a safe and caring manner


Classroom: e.g. Tokens, Star(s) of the week, Merit Certificates and Gifts. All pupils are given the opportunity to receive an award over the year.




Pupils have the RIGHT to:

•Learn in a purposeful and supportive environment.

• Work and play in a safe, secure, friendly and clean environment.

• Respect, courtesy and honesty.

• Equal treatment regardless of race, gender or physical ability.

• Interact with others in an atmosphere free from harassment and bullying.

• Express themselves.


Pupils have the RESPONSIBILTY to:

• Display respectful, courteous and honest behaviour.

• Ensure that their behaviour is not disruptive to the learning of others.

• Ensure that the school environment is kept neat, tidy and secure.

• Ensure that they are punctual, polite, prepared and display a positive manner.

• Behave in a way that protects the safety and well-being of others.

• Ensure their behaviour does not intimidate others.

Members of Staff have the RIGHT to:

• Respect, courtesy and honesty.

• Teach in a safe, secure and clean environment.

• Teach in a purposeful and non-disruptive environment.

• Cooperation and support from parents in matters relating to their children’s education.

• To be the first point of contact if there is an issue or concern with one of their pupils.

Members of Staff have the RESPONSIBILTY to:

• Model respectful, courteous and honest behaviour.

• Ensure that the school environment is kept neat, tidy and secure.

• Establish positive relationships with pupils

• Ensure good organization and planning.

• Report pupils’ progress to parents.

• Be vigilant about bullying and ensure all are aware of the school’s policy.


Parents have the RIGHT to:

• Respect, courtesy and honesty.

• Be informed of curriculum material, behaviour management procedures and decisions affecting their children’s health and welfare.

• Be informed of their children’s progress.

• Be heard in an appropriate forum on matters related to the rights of their children to receive an appropriate education.

• Expect that bullying will not be tolerated.

• Cooperation and support from educators in matters relating to their children’s education.


Parents have the RESPONSIBILITY to:

• Model respectful, courteous and honest behaviour.

• Ensure that their children attend school punctually, neatly and regularly.

• Support the school in implementing behaviour management strategies, particularly in relation to their own children.

• Ensure that the physical and emotional condition of their children is at an optimum for effective learning.

• Ensure that their children are provided with appropriate materials to make effective use of the learning environment.

• Support the school in providing a meaningful and adequate education for their children.

• Inform the school about bullying whenever it happens.

*Ensure that learning materials taken home are returned intact.



This overview gives parents and all stakeholders an insight into the steps being followed in classrooms and the playground. Members of Staff have very specific guidelines to adhere to at each stage of the overview.



Educators establish a positive, inclusive, classroom environment. Rules, rewards and consequences clearly explained. Teachers provide pupils with lots of positive feedback. Each day stage 1 is the focus for teachers and pupils.



The educator creates a cardboard where the names of all the children are recorded. Stickers with different colours are given to pupils based on their behaviour. For instance, pupils who have disrupted the class may get red stickers. This cardboard is placed strategically in the class for all to see.



Second disruption– The child is placed in the class time-out area. Child does time out and completes a reflection sheet. Child is counseled by teacher. Reflection sheet is signed and filled by class teacher.


The third disruption- attracts a yellow card with a verbal warning and loss of break-time to be spent in detention under the educator’s supervision. Pupil will also write at least twenty (20) lines about rule broken depending on the class and age of the child.


Two Yellow Cards will result in an Orange Card being issued to the pupil. The Orange Card earns the pupil two strokes of the cane in the classroom, an invitation of parents for a conference with the Head-teacher and Director plus a one-day internal suspension spent doing school service.


Three Yellow Cards will result in the issue of a Red Card. The Red Card earns the pupil three strokes of the cane on the assembly, an invitation of parents for a conference with the Head Teacher and Director plus a one-day internal suspension spent doing school service.


Two Red Cards within a school term will result in a suspension.


At the third Red Card within the same school term, parents are advised to withdraw their child from school.


Code of Conduct for Pupils

Inappropriate or Unacceptable Behaviour:

Any of the under-listed behaviour while on school premises or in school uniform within or outside of school is considered inappropriate behavior.

It is unacceptable for pupils to:

  1. Raise voices, demonstrate a violent, threatening or intimidating behaviour, be disrespectful or display rudeness towards pupils and educators.
  2. Fight, beat or hit, cause injury to or bully pupils or educators.
  3. Cause dis-order, hinder the work of others or prevent others from learning.
  4. Steal or be in possession of materials and properties that does not belong to them or not allowed in school.
  5. Remove without permission or damage school properties.
  6. Be dressed in an inappropriate manner contrary to specifications by the school.
  7. To bring or encourage / force others to bring mobile phones and toys etc., to school unless authorized by teacher or school for a function.
  8. Tell lies or cheat or disobey teacher’s instructions and school or class rules.
  9. Conduct business or financial deals with pupils or educators.
  10. Engage in sexual misconducts like indecent exposure of body parts or inappropriate touching or use of inappropriate language when addressing pupils or educators.


Disciplinary Process or / and Measures:

  1. STAGE 1


Educators establish a positive, inclusive, classroom environment. Rules, rewards and consequences clearly explained. Educators provide pupils with lots of positive feedback. Each day stage 1 is the focus for educators and pupils.


  1. STAGE 2


The educator creates a cardboard where names of children who have disrupted the class are recorded. This cardboard is placed strategically in the class for all to see.

  1. STAGE 3


Second disruption- The child is placed in the class time-out area. Child does time out and completes a reflection sheet. Child is counseled by teacher. Reflection sheet is signed and filed by class teacher.


  1. STAGE 4

The third disruption- attracts a yellow card with a verbal warning and loss of break-time to be spent in detention under the teacher’s supervision. Pupil will also write twenty (20) lines about rule broken.

  1. Educators give a yellow card for unacceptable / inappropriate behavior.
  2. Educators must complete a Behaviour Report Form and submit to the School Administrator as soon as possible following the incident.
  3. The Administrator checks the Behaviour Report Folder for the number of Yellow Cards for the pupil and administers the appropriate consequences ASAP
  4. Discipline process for unacceptable or/and appropriate behavior is as follows:
  5. 1st Instance: Pupils get one Yellow Card for each occurrence of any of the unacceptable or/ and inappropriate behaviour.
  6. Consequence: One Yellow Card earns the pupil a verbal warning and loss of pupil’s break time to be sent in detention with educator’s supervision.
  7. 2nd Instance: Two Yellow Cards result in an Orange Card being issued to the pupil.
  8. Consequence: The Orange Card earns the pupil a letter to parents to report the 2 incidents of inappropriate behavior and a notice of after school detention of 30 minutes to do school service.
  9. 3rd Instance: Three Yellow Cards result in the issue of a Red Card.
  10. Consequence: The Red Card earns the pupil an invitation of parents for a conference with the Head-teacher and Director plus one-day internal suspension spent doing school service.


  1. The process begins again from the first instance.
  2. The 2nd Red Card and he accompanying 2nd parents’ conference within one term will result in a one-day suspension from school.
  3. The 3rd Red Card and the accompanying 3rd parents’ conference within the term will result in the request that the child be withdrawn from school.
  4. The Behaviour Report Folder is emptied at the end of each term and a new one opened at the beginning of the new term.




NAME OF PUPIL:                                             CLASS:                    DATE:

What Happened:- (Underline or tick all applicable to the incident)

  1. Engage in sexual misconducts like indecent exposure of body parts or inappropriate touching or use of inappropriate language when addressing students and teachers.
  2. Raise voices, demonstrate a violent, threatening or intimidating behaviour, be disrespectful or display rudeness towards pupils and educators.
  3. Fight, beat or hit, cause injury to or bully students or teachers.
  4. Cause disorder, hinder the work of others or prevent others from learning.
  5. Steal or be in possession of materials and properties that does not belong to them or not allowed in school.
  6. Remove without permission or damage school properties.
  7. Be dressed in an inappropriate manner contrary to specification by the school.
  8. To bring or encourage/force others to bring mobile phones and toys etc., to school unless authorized by teacher or school for a function.
  9. Tell lies or cheat or disobey teachers’ instructions and school or class rules.
  10. Conduct business or financial deals with students or teachers.