Fire Safety Policy

Fire Safety Policy

This policy will be reviewed annually by Karis School management staff. This policy should also be read in conjunction with the Health & Safety policy.


Overall Responsibility for Fire Safety Matters

The Head of School is the responsible person for the school and will have overall responsibility for fire safety matters in the school. He will co-ordinate the implementation of fire safety measures, ensure that staff and pupil training takes place and monitor the standard of fire precautions maintained. He will also ensure that a fire evacuation drill is undertaken early in each term. Also ensuring that fire action notices are kept up to date and all fire safety equipment is properly maintained. Roles may be designated to site staff and other Leadership members to assist under the responsibility of the Head of School.

Risk Management: Staff Training & Pupil Instruction

Responsibility of all School Staff

All school staff are responsible for maintaining a high standard of fire precaution in areas under their control or influence. In particular, staff should ensure that they are fully aware of the fire procedure. They should ensure that door vision panels and fire exits are kept clear and fire doors are kept shut. They should also ensure that pupils for whom they are responsible are informed of the fire procedure. Class Teachers are responsible for devising and maintaining fire evacuation plans for all pupils in their care.

No attempt should be made to fight a fire until the primary duty of evacuation has been accomplished; and only then by trained staff, and if they are confident with using the fire-fighting equipment and have assessed the risk very carefully beforehand.

Staff: The training of certain staff members, such as fire marshals, is integral to the school’s fire safety measures. Our objective is to ensure that all staff possess a fundamental understanding of fire risks and appropriate actions to take during an emergency.

Training and instruction encompass the following areas:

  • Procedures upon discovering a fire
  • Response to the fire alarm
  • Location and use of fire-fighting equipment
  • Familiarity with escape routes
  • Evacuation procedures from classrooms and buildings, including identification of assembly points and methods for accounting for individuals.

Pupils: Upon commencement of their attendance at the school, pupils should receive instruction to:

  • Recognize the fire alarm
  • Understand the appropriate response upon hearing the alarm
  • Be aware of the locations of assembly points
  • Know what to do in the event of a fire if not in a supervised group.

These instructions should be prominently displayed on fire notices and reinforced during practice evacuations.

Fire Drills: Fire drills are conducted once every term, incorporating simulated evacuation exercises. Each drill commences with a predetermined signal, such as activating the fire alarm, and involves a thorough check of the premises as if in an actual emergency. These drills may coincide with staff training sessions.

Records of fire drills are maintained in a logbook held by the Facilities Manager. All staff members are required to participate in at least two drills per year.


The School Fire Procedure

Notices displaying the school fire procedure will be displayed at each fire alarm call point and will be of the standard form. The administrator will ensure these notices remain up to date and also additionally presented in a way that is pupil friendly in order to be easily understood.


Portable fire-fighting devices

Fire-fighting equipment should be sited on corridors an in relevant rooms within easy reach. All devices must be easy to use, clearly displayed and available for use. Staff should be made aware of the methods of operation and limitations of every fire extinguisher in school. All devices must be tested regularly to meet the required standard under the site staff’s responsibility. The site staff will record and report to the head teacher results of any testing.

All fire extinguishers should be red in colour and give clear instructions on how to tackle certain types of fire. A colour-coded reference guide should display which extinguishers are suitable.