20 April 2015
Nursery activity day is a termly event where pupils take turns to perform a particular task under the guidance / supervision of the teachers. It is a child centered activity. It is a day the pupils look forward to thefun they derive while learning.This terms “Activity Day” was superb! The topic was “Tie and dye.” The class collectively
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26 March 2015
Promoting creativity in children requires time and patience. It requires not answering every question a child asks, but asking children what their thoughts are about the question. It requires believing in and supporting your child’s natural desire to explore and be curious. Here are some suggestions for nurturing creativity in your child: Picture this. With
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06 March 2015
Across different schools, teachers see two types of first–year students: one quickly adjusts to school and begins to enjoy it, the other cries each day at the door. By applying some easy–to–follow guidelines, parents can help their youngsters belong to a very lucky group of students who start school with fun instead of fear. Arrange
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05 February 2015
The single best way to increase your child’s IQ is to read to her and instill a love of reading. Here’s how you can coax your child into a lasting love of reading. Read to your child from the earliest age. And not just at bedtime. Buy board books and cloth books as some of
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